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Delhi National Workshop 2008
General issues and objectives of the workshop
The process of development of metropolitan cities and regions in India, in the context of social and economic changes characteristic of globalisation, raises several challenges. Whereas economic growth with equity was one fundamental objective of the first National Plans, and achieving a more balanced pattern of urban and industrial development the ambition of a series of national programmes, the policy of economic liberalisation and integration in the international market which was (...)
Organisation & Financial Support
This seminar is organised by the Centre de Sciences Humaines, New Delhi and India International Centre, New Delhi On Thursday 31st January & Friday 1st February, 2008 at India International Centre, New Delhi (Annexe, Lecture Room).
With the financial support of:
The French National Agency for Research (ANR):
Project “Social Exclusion, Territories and Urban Policies. A comparison between India and Brazil” (SETUP). Main institutional partnership: Centre for Indian and South Asian Studies (...)
Thursday 31st January, 2008
Please note that all powerpoint presentations are available for download for registered users. Please log in and go here to download one of them....
Introductory session
Session 1: 9 A.M. to 10 A.M.
Chair & welcome address: Basudeb Chaudhuri (CSH)
Presentation of the project “Globalisation, Urban Development and Adjustment of Law. Comparative Study in India and the Middle East” By Philippe Cadène
Presentation of the project “Social Exclusion, Territories and (...)
List of Participants
Papers’ contributors
Myriam ABABSA, French Institute of Middle-East (IFPO), Amman (CITADAIN project)
Nicolas BAUTÈS, University of Caen (SETUP project)
Linda BOUIFROU, doctoral student, University of Paris 7, SEDET (CITADAIN project)
Emmanuel BON, Ministry of Agriculture (SETUP project)
Philippe CADÈNE, University of Paris 7, SEDET (main coordinator of CITADAIN project)
Brigitte DUMORTIER, University of Paris 4, SEDET (CITADAIN project)
Véronique DUPONT, (French) Institute of Research (...)
Downloads : Programme, PowerPoint Presentations...
The programme of this event is available for download.
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